Thomasina: I...don'   Uh...I have company.  Following with me from place to place.  Keeping up with me.  Mindmistress: What do they look like?  Thomasina: Well...I know how this sounds...but they look like...Thomasina: Flying...saucers.  Forceful: Oh. Is that all?  Vicki: Riiight. Mindmistress: What?

Vicki: Boss?  Forceful: Congratulations, Thomasina---I think you've rendered her speechless!

Vicki: I'm getting
 scared... Forceful: Maybe she's in shock...

Forceful: I don't think I've ever seen her quiet for so long....Vicki: Thomasina's being chased by...aliens? Mindmistress: Nothing so...simplistic.  Forceful: Aha!  The mute speaks!

Mindmistress: Thomasina...are they still with you? Thomasina: Yes...there are several of them...and one has the same metallic sheen--the same Thomasina: I've made five or six 'jumps' since they first appeared...they're waiting for me each time.  I've heard of western myths of 'flying saucers' but I thought them ludicrous...



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