Gunman: They'll never get to finishthe funeral arrangments for Cleo Shore...what a shame.   Magilla (thinking): Hmmm? Mrs. Shore--dead? Her family--in danger? Timely return from hiding the scepter, methinks.Magilla (thoughts): My mistress loaned me to Mrs. Shore---I know Mrs. Shore would want her family protected--and unfortunately, there's nothing to block the shot with---but me.  Gunman: Easy...easy...

Gunman1: What---what is that? Gunman2: It leaped right into the line of fire-- Leader:Run!! the gas is too close-- Magilla (thinking): 'Tis a far, far better thing I do, than I've-- Magilla: *Squeee*Guman1: Unfathomable won't like this. Gunman2: Was that a---mechanical monkey? Gunman3: I miss New Atlanta-is... Mageilla(thinking): Do A.I's get an...afterlife? ...Or are they just...rebuilt? I guess...I'll find out...




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